Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 24th "Drill and Fill"

The Greens are having a process called "Drill and Fill" starting October 24th.
This process is basically a machine that drills holes using a .75 inch bit on 5 inch centers to a depth of 10 – 12 inches and fills the holes with sand.  The newer drill bits that are used today are much less disruptive than in the past and leave a better finished product. Actually most Clubs in the Metropolitan area do this annually to their Greens.  In combination with our routine cultural practices this process would help the Greens drain better, enhance root growth, and create a firmer playing surface.

 During the process the Green being worked on will have a temporary pin.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cart Restrictions

Whenever we make the decision to pull carts on the golf course it disrupts not only club operations, but also the schedules of members and guests. The usage of the club decreases and that has a financial impact.

There is only reasons to prohibit carts: to protect the Golf Course, and Golfer Safety.

We have had the wettest August/September on record and  have restricted carts more often than in most years. There is no joy in restricting cart use and it is frustrating to members, BUT for Golfer safety and protecting the memberships greatest asset it is a nececary evil.

Thanks for your patience and understanding this week!