Thursday, May 27, 2010

Laying Eggs on #14

Turtle making itself at home in the left hand side bunker #14 Green.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Natural Area #4 Green

It is taking along time for the bare spots to fill in on hole #4.

Looking closely you can see the Fine Fescue seedlings emerging ever so slowly.

Although it is taking longer than desired we do not want to over plant the area, so that when it does fill in it is not too thick and unplayable.


If I pull out any of my daily journals from the past eighteen years of being a Golf Course Superintendent this time of year there is always complaints about the rough.

During the spring flush of growth, we start cutting the rough on Monday, finish on Wednesday, then we start all over and cut the rough again.

The spring flush of growth should slow down in the next couple of weeks.

New Tees

You will notice the newly constructed Tees being off color.
  • They have been treated for a disease called Leaf Spot, which causes brown lesions on the leaves
  • They are also acclimating to the new cutting hieghts as we lower the height of cut.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cool Weather Diseases

While making all of those 30 foot putts, you may have noticed the yellow rings on the putting surface.
This time of year Cool Season Diseases become an aesthetic nuisance.  Cool weather brown patch (shown in picture), Fusarium, and Brown ring patch are a few that are present now.
The good news is that as undesirable as they appear, they will not affect the playability of the putting surface.

Why are they digging on Hole #9?

The power wire that feeds the irrigation for Holes 7 - 9 had a short.
The picture shows the burnt wire which was under Whippoorwill road.
A new piece of wire was spliced in, and we are back up and running.